GEO600 Diary

Building and operating a gravitational-wave detector

Since September 1995 we have been building and operating the British-German gravitational-wave detector. These pages show how GEO600 has been developing over the years. Here you find current pictures from the detector site and information from our labs.

Data from the German-British GEO600 detector helps to understand the formation processes of fast radio bursts. [more]
Improving GEO600's beam splitter thermal compensation system [more]
Understanding, modelling, and mitigating noise from light scattered back into GEO600’s squeezed-light source [more]
First neural-network sensing and control in a gravitational-wave detector: GEO600 scientists demonstrate first-ever successful implementation [more]
O3GK publication on arXiv [more]
GEO600 helps searching for Dark Matter [more]
Repairing the east arm vacuum system [more]
The GEO600 laser system has been in operation for 10 years [more]
GEO600 reaches 6 dB of squeezing [more]
GEO600 and KAGRA join forces for test observation run [more]
Suspension of O3 [more]
Repairing the vacuum system with pure nitrogen [more]
Lower Saxony Science Minister visits GEO600 [more]
The vacuum leak causes problems yet again [more]
Almost 6 dB of squeezing in GEO600 [more]
A vacuum leak in the north arm [more]
Lower Saxony Prime Minister visits GEO600 [more]
Advanced LIGO detectors begin second observation run “O2” [more]
Direct detection of gravitational waves [more]
Advanced LIGO detectors begin first observation run [more]
Spatially resolved heating of the GEO600 beam-splitter [more]
Towards a darker dark port [more]
One year of squeezing [more]
Preparations for laser power increase [more]
Joint GEO600 Virgo run [more]
Let the squeezing begin! [more]
Start of S6/VSR2 [more]
Astrowatch [more]
Maintenance and repairs [more]
GEO600 joins the S5 science run [more]
Fourth Science Run “S4” [more]
Upgrade of the detector [more]
Two science runs [more]
Improvement of the GEO sensitivity and S1 [more]
Optical components and their suspensions [more]
Getting closer to a working detector [more]
Hardware installations on the site [more]
Vacuum system and EXPO 2000 [more]
Vacuum tubes and the cleanroom [more]
First buildings and the arm trenches [more]
Breaking the ground for gravitational waves [more]
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