Thermal Compensation

GEO600 pioneered the use of thermal compensation systems for the control of the radii of curvature of its end mirrors and tuning of the signal recycling. Another system compensates the thermal lens inside the beamsplitter.

Relevant publications

Nadji, S. L.; Wittel, H.; Mukund , N.; Lough, J.; Affeldt, C.; Bergamin, F.; Brinkmann, M.; Kringel, V.; Lück, H.; Weinert, M. et al.; Danzmann, K.: GEO600 beam splitter thermal compensation system: new design and commissioning. (2024)
Wittel, H.; Lück, H.; Affeldt, C.; Dooley, K.; Grote, H.; Leong, J.; Prijatelj, M.; Schreiber, E.; Slutsky, J.; Strain, K. A. et al.; Was, M.; Willke, B.; Danzmann, K.: Thermal Correction of Astigmatism in the Gravitational Wave Observatory GEO 600. Classical and quantum gravity 31 (6), 065008 (2014)
Lück, H.; Freise, A.; Gossler, S.; Hild, S.; Kawabe, K.; Danzmann, K.: Thermal correction of the radii of curvature of mirrors for GEO 600. Classical and Quantum Gravity 21 (5), pp. S985 - S989 (2004)
S. Hild
Thermisch durchstimmbares Signal-Recycling für den Gravitationswellendetektor GEO600

Diploma thesis (2003)

Lück, H.; Müller, K.-O.; Aufmuth, P.; Danzmann, K.: Correction of wavefront distortions by means of thermally adaptive optics. Optics Communications 175 (4-6), pp. 275 - 287 (2000)
K.-O. Müller
Korrektur von Wellenfrontverzerrungen durch thermisch adaptive Optik
Diploma thesis (1995)
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