Curved space and black holes during “November der Wissenschaft”

Series of talks focussing on black holes, Higgs bosons, space missions and curved space at the Albert Einstein Institute Hannover

November 05, 2014

Within the framework of the fourth “November der Wissenschaft” (Science in November), the Albert Einstein Institute is extending an invitation to all science enthusiasts, research fans and all those interested to a series of talks on various dates. Four scientists will be reporting on the newest insights related to the following topics. How are black holes and neutron stars formed, and how can they be observed? What role does the Higgs boson play in understanding the Standard Model of particle physics? What do a ten Mark note, Carl F. Gauß and Albert Einstein have to do with one another? Which methods do researchers want to use to detect gravitational waves in space?

Monday, 17 November 2014, 6 p.m.

Black holes, neutron stars and curved space

It is a common belief that black holes are the vacuums of space that mercilessly swallow up everything that lies in their path. But is this actually true? And how do the gravitational giants and their close relatives, neutron stars, actually form? Prof. Dr. Bruce Allen reports on the extreme celestial bodies and the star explosions that they give rise to.

Thursday, 20 November 2014, 6:00 p.m.

The search for the Higgs particle – The Standard Model of matter

The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC particle at CERN accelerator made headlines worldwide in the summer of 2012. Dr. Peter Aufmuth explores the role that the elementary particle, which was predicted 50 years ago, plays in our current understanding of the structure of matter.

Monday, 24 November 2014, 6:00 p.m.

Gravity and the theory of relativity: Einstein’s legacy

Do a ten Mark note, Carl Friedrich Gauß and Albert Einstein actually have something to do with one another? Accompany Dr. Alex Nielsen on a journey through curved space and the fundamentals of the general theory of relativity.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014, 6 p.m.

LISA Pathfinder – Technology demonstration for the gravitational wave observatory eLISA

The satellite mission LISA Pathfinder is intended to test entirely new technologies for measuring gravitational waves for the first time in space, and is expected to still be started in 2015. Dr. Jens Reiche will explain how LISA Pathfinder is paving the way for the planned gravitational wave observatory eLISA.

All events will take place in the large seminar room 103 at the Albert Einstein Institute. The way is signposted. Each talk will take around one hour, followed by the opportunity to ask questions.

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